Tuesday, February 8, 2011

No Lohan in Superman!

Rumor has it that Lindsay Lohan and her bulldog of an agent desperately trying to
wash off the stink of her run-ins with the law by trying to get a role in the new Superman movie. Please tell me I’m not the only one going WTF.

Lindsay Lohan charmed her way into the hearts of directors and the American public
with her debut film The Parent Trap. Her freckles were cute and that button nose
almost stole the role away from her. It was sad that she followed that performance with the mediocre Freaky Friday alongside an aging and apparently constipated Jamie Lee Curtis. It seemed Lohan had some acting chops underneath that blonde dye job as
she put in superb performances in Mean Girls and Confessions of a Teenage Drama
Queen. Sure the roles were very teenie-bopper but she still played those roles for all they were worth. This is around the time that Lohan began to actually believe her own hype. She read a few positive reviews for her films and thought she had the chops to star in any movie and turn it into gold. That’s why we had to struggle to hold back our verbal diarrhea for Just My Luck, Herbie: Fully Loaded, Georgia Rule, and Labor Pains. We could have forgiven Lohan for those terrible movies, look at how many movies we let Jennifer Lopez star in. We are a forgiven public. Lohan could have won back our hearts and snagged a few more buck from our movie budgets, but then she had to up the ante and act out. Lohan landed herself in the tabloids and in jail for her drunken, thieving exploits.

Lindsey tried to win back our hearts with the half heart attempt at narrating a BBC 3
docudrama Lindsay Lohan's Indian Journey. Yes it was called a documentary by the
BBC, but excuse me if I refuse to believe a woman that uses her sexuality as a ploy to stay in the spotlight is serious about the plight of millions of India’s women as they are forced into sexual slavery. It was a terrible decision to include Lohan and the worse part were the parting words she had after the experience. Lohan claimed that the experience “was "truly humbling" and "I hope my presence in India will bring awareness to the really important issues raised in making this film," according to the online version of US Magazine. It was a poor choice for the producers and her agents and it didn’t fool anyone because she turned right around and failed a drug test and violated her probation.

Has Lohan finally flushed a promising career down the toilet with her childish and
criminal antics? She may have one or two decent movies left in her, but she needs to be taken to the proverbial woodshed and taught a lesson. Snatch that Holloywood rug from under her and give it to someone who actually deserves that shot. Rachel McAdams
has put in enough work in some good films to prove that she can more than handle this
role. She has stayed out of the media spotlight and kept her nose clean. Emma Watson
could use this role to shed her nerdy Hermione Granger persona and prove that she is
indeed a bonafide actress and not just an extremely lucky girl.

Does Lohan deserve a fifth chance and for her comeback role to be in a highly
anticipated movie such as this? Hell no! She shouldn’t get to prove her new found
contrite persona in the new Superman movie. Franchise re-launches shouldn’t be used
as political platforms for recovering actors who need the positive career boosts. Didn’t Superman suffer enough with the over handling of Singer in 2006? Didn’t we as the audience suffer enough with a bald Kevin Spacey channeling Cruella Deville for his evil personality? This is the last shot for the Man of Steel to prove he is stronger than a bad script and poor casting, and this shouldn’t be wasted on LiLo. Lohan thought her cute freckles and her blond locks were enough to keep directors interested in hiring her despite her binge drinking and drunk driving. Not so, there are plenty of talented blondes in Hollywood honey. That’s like trying to look for a man with a six pack in Miami. You have fallen into the trap that many celebrities are falling victim to. Your ego and antics are far outstripping your talent.

Let Lohan dry out in a Vince Vaughn romantic comedy.