Thursday, October 28, 2010

Religious Terrorism...where is your war?

Terrorism is the systematic use of terror, especially as a means of coercion. The United States has been locked in the battle against terrorism since Sept. 11. But, what about the terrorist conditions some Americans are living under? Can we not send the military in to root out these terrorist cells and destroy them?

What sort of terrorism could I be speaking of on American soil? The religious terrorism practiced by the religious right and some conservatives. Last week, as I strolled on campus on my day off of all days, my ears were assaulted with the rambling words of so called "street prophets." Since the founding of this nation, religious rhetoric and theories have shaped public discourse and public policy. The Christian fundamentalists have kept this country cowering in fear of a fiery hell with their terrorist tactics.

The religious right and their greatest champion, the founder of the Moral Majority, the late Jerry Falwell, along with his band of minions, angry housewives and Republican conservatives, would have us believe that these fundamentalists are preaching the word of God and bringing us poor sinners to Christ. They wouldn't call them terrorists. They tell us that theirs is the only brand of Christianity that will get us into heaven. Well, I am here to tell you that my Bible says that all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. This is an assault on the terror they were spreading. Their first attack was on women. Women seem to be the scapegoats of history all the time: anything wrong in history, blame women. They told us our proper place was either one of two places: behind a vacuum or behind a stove. Well ladies, I am going to school you on what my Bible says about women. In Proverbs 10, it says that a man is highly respected in his community because of his wife. Her value is far above rubies; and last time I checked you didn't hide your rubies away in the house. You brought it out for the world to see. Our savior was born of a woman, not a man. He called that the woman be blessed and highly favored. God has always loved women and throughout history he has used us to spread his message of salvation and love. The street preachers warned us that our smart mouths and desires to carve a life for ourselves would send us to hell as lonely old maids. How heartbreaking would it be to an 18-year-old freshman to hear that she is doomed to a lonely place in hell for just wanting to be a CPA? Is this not terror?

Aren't these men just as fundamentalist as the terrorists we're fighting a war against in the Middle East? Is not their brand of hate just as much a terrorist attack as a suicide bomber? Is a spiritual death less important than a physical death? The faces of some of the students that were outside of the library that day looked the same as the faces of those stumbling out of a café after a bombing. Are we not granted life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness? Regardless of whether you happen to find that happiness as a Wiccan, or in the arms of a person of the same sex? Do we not cry out about gross human rights abuses when we hear that Christians are being persecuted in North Korea? I say it's time for our troops to come home and fight this War on Terror on American soil.

Where is the National Guard to protect me from the religious terror of the religious right? Is my terror not enough? Are the hundreds of deaths caused by gay bashing not news enough to garner a Security Council resolution? What will it take to get help to fight the terror we live under?

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