Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Take out the trash Palin!

So Sarah Palin’s show debuted on TLC and broke its viewing ratings. Which if you ask me isn’t hard to do on TLC. However a few of the show’s critics were obviously vocal about their dislike of the show and of Sarah Palin.

What they weren’t expecting was for Sarah’s little bears, Bristol and Willow to personally attack them back on various social networks, namely Facebook, according to The Daily News. The most shocking words flowed from the littlest Palin daughter, Willow. She went on the hurl several homophobic epitaphs at a classmate. Calling him “so gay” and “such a faggot.” And then big sister Bristol also chimed in taking a pot shot at her child’s father.

Is this the sort of behavior we could have expected from the Vice President’s children? Is this their normal behavior? Does Bristol call the father of her child a loser during her talks to high school students about the dangers of teenage pregnancy? IS the garbage coming from her facebook page worth the thousands of dollars she is paid for these so called “informative” talks?

In this climate with many of us fresh off the Day of Remembrance and the McCance scandal for Willow Palin to even let those sort of words pass over her keyboard is outrageous, and we should all be pissed off. She is old enough to be held accountable for her actions. So where is the HRC campaign to demand an apology from her? Where is the facebook backlash? Where is the righteous indignation that so quickly swept through the internet that even Anderson Cooper took notice?

Are the Palins above morality? Is it ok for Willow to speak those disgusting words and use them as daggers against another student? Is she no different from the bullies who forced several teens to commit suicide a few weeks ago?

I say, off with her head!

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