Monday, November 22, 2010

Is there a cure for Ignorance?

Ignorance is a poison that needs to be stopped!

I had the unfortunate pleasure of reading one of the most ignorant FB posts I have ever read in my life. Not up there with the McNance gay rant’s but its close. The name has been withheld to protect you from going to her FB to read more of her ignorance. I said this needed to be stopped from spreading! LOL. The statement that follows was taken directly from the horse's mouth, nothing has been changed.

“Man! I can't agree with you more! I saw on the new that TSA was going to alter the proceedure b/c some people were complaining that it was against their religion. My problem is this...If it’s against their religion, my guess is that they... are not from this country. And the way I feel is that if your are flying/Living in AMERICA then we shouldn’t have to alter OUR security procedures to protect OUR country. If they want to fly / live here…then they need to alter their religion! It’s just common sense. I mean at school and work we can’t even worship God or have a Christmas tree in the lobby b/c it’s offensive to other religions. How far is our country suppose to bend ? I do realize that not everybody who has a different religion is a forigner, but you get what I'm saying.”

Spelling errors have not been changed either. I said this was an ignorant post. First this person asserts that if someone claims something is against their religion they aren’t from this country. Gee, I wonder who she could be pointing the finger at there. Well hun, I hate to point it out to you but this country was founded by people running away from religious persecutions. And since when does a religious objection equate to a non-American? Did you know that is was an American housewife who objected to prayer in schools? And that American was able to plead her case before the United States Supreme court, and it was that court compromised of nine American justices who ruled that Christian prayers in schools was unconstitutional.  And it was American atheist who first objected to “Merry Christmas?” No you didn’t know that I am sure of that.

Thomas Jefferson, one of our founding father’s first authored the phrase “separation of church and state,.” He recognized the havoc that could be weaved when a state sets out to sponsor one religion at the costs of all others. Jefferson, a man who himself was a Deist, with his own Bible that he authored removing all the miracles. So you see if you bothered to do a little research instead of spouting off the same ignorant rantings that you heard on the radio you would know that all the things you are upset about were started and carried about by Americans. 

And Christianity is not an United States construct dear. It actually came to fruition in the Middle East as well. Just because your Bible may say made in the USA doesn’t mean your religion was.

You are asserting that people should alter something as deep seeded and personal as their belief system just to get through a security check point when you yourself is balking at the idea that you can got o work and see a Christmas tree? A truly pagan leftover in the first place? So I guess whatever is good for the goose isn’t so good for the gander?

And you are asking how far is our country supposed to bend to protect the right’s of its citizens? So what you are putting on that table is that this country stops catering to its own citizens when you don’t personally agree with it? Well I don’t like how come Christian churches protest the funerals of soldiers killed in this “war on terror.” So from you’re statement I’m not an American? I mean does it hurt for you to think about putting your pants on one leg at a time?  Do you and Bill O’Reilly share the same brain cell?

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