Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Do we still need Arizona?

I'm not sure if its something in the water or if Arizona got a hold of that Jim Jones kool-aid but the entire state has gone completely and utterly insane. Sure South Carolina had its bad apples, but at least we could say it was just the Governor who was messing up, but Arizona is moving ahead to the front of the line of dumb ass states.

First Governor Brewer in all her infinite wisdom announces signs into law a immigration bill that basically makes it open season on all Hispanics suspected of being in Arizona illegally. And we all know that they are going to harass every Hispanic looking person under the auspice of doing their jobs. 

But now we learn that Arizona wants to get rid of any trace of its minority population.

Wonkette : Arizona School Demands Black & Latino Students’ Faces On Mural Be Changed To White

This mural was painted by a local mural company in Arizona with the help of the elementary children that attend the school. Their faces adorn the mural. So during the painting of this mural the artists and the children were constantly verbal abused by passing motorists who saw fit to shout out racial slurs.

Now don't misunderstand me I am the first person to stand up and defend anyone and everyone's right to free speech. Hell I'm fighting for citizens in other countries to enjoy the same thing, however that doesn't mean I condone grown ass adults yelling out racial epitaphs to children. I mean what the hell has to be going on through your head to think that's alright. What sort of role model are you to your own children to show them that its alright to pick on a child for doing nothing more than being black or Hispanic? I just can't fathom the mind set of someone who would think they were doing something worthwhile.

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